Town of Ross Clinics
Current Clinics Offered
We are now offering Adult Clinics in the Town of Ross!
Adult Beginner Pickleball 101
Learn how to play the game everyone is talking about and meet others just like you in the community!
You will learn:
Game Overview, Introduction to Dinking, Basic Court Skills, Basic Shot Techniques, How To Keep Score, Serving & Returning The Ball
The 101 is the first Clinic of a series of Clinics. We will next offer Clinic 102 and 103 so you can progress in your game!
Adult Beginner Pickleball 102
*Prerequisite is Pickleball Beginner Clinics 101
102 will dig deeper into the concepts you learned in 101 and further advance your consistency and strategy of the game.
Things we will cover are, Drop Shots, Volleying, Resetting the Ball and Putaways.
Adult Beginner Pickleball 103
*Prerequisite is Pickleball Beginner Clinic 102
We will work on Forehand & Backhand Drives, Lobs & Overheads, Foot Work and Court Movement and finally,
Cross Court Control and Defending at the Kitchen.
Pickleball Skills and Drills
This clinic is for players who have already taken most of the offered clinics and want to continue working on different skills and drills they have learned. Players
who have not taken clinics are welcome but you are not a beginner. You should be able to play games comfortably and consistently keep the ball in play. We will
cover a new topic each class and also do game situational coaching.